"Mustang Aus 1" with Tom Barry-Cotter and Pal Virik Nilsen won todays Redcliffe grand prix. The guys got a good start and it was four boats head to head into the first chicane after the start. The "Trojan Steel" boat went into the roostertale of "ACME racing" and blew over backward and sideways bigtime just beside "Maritimo 15".

The race got redflagged and a restart followed half an hour later. "Mustang" once more got the start and was aside ACME racing for halv a lap before Tom and Pal managed to pull away and made the lead bigger each lap. After some laps "Sarracen" also flipped around. After that the race was over and Mustang won! Well done guys!

Pal says: This tasted very good. The whole team needed this to get back some confident and motivation for the future! Tom did a great job and i must thank him and all the crewthis weekend for a good job! Look forward to the three Melbourne races in November! Special thanks to Bill and Lesley.